Friday, November 8, 2013

Hold On, It's Only November

I saw my first Christmas shopping commercial a week before Halloween this year.  Ugh.  What happened to Halloween, not to mention that one holiday involving a parade and endless turkey?

I know that I'm not the only one who complains about the way Christmas seems to creep closer and closer to September.  There are a lot of people who prefer to live through Thanksgiving before hearing a single jingle bell or seeing mistletoe.  But we sadly don't get to dictate this.  The stores do, and they will turn on that Christmas music whether you like it or not.  But why am I so angry when I hear, see, smell, or hear anything Christmasy before the "official season" starts?

I finally figured it out yesterday.  I was thinking about Thanksgiving and how it is suppose celebrate being thankful for what you have.  You're taught to cherish the family and friends around you as the fire crackles and the smell of warm pumpkin pie fills the air.  That's Thanksgiving.  No sparkling tree with presents eagerly waiting to be torn open.  Thanksgiving is a holiday of relaxation and being with people you love, before you beg them for that new sweater for Christmas.  And I like it that way.  I like having a holiday where I don't have to worry about what to wear and getting presents.  Thanksgiving is still a very valid holiday that should get recognition because your family deserves it.

So, before you being to hang up those Christmas lights and buy the wrapping paper, take time to appreciate the wait.  What is your favorite dish to eat at Thanksgiving?  Mine is definitely the pie.  No question!

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