Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pumpkin Everywhere! (Five Things)

Amazing Bartender's Pumpkin Pie drink

It has been a lovely homecoming weekend! Got to see a lot of alumni that I haven't seen in a while! Above is one of the drinks I had a a local restaurant and it was fantastic! Tasted just like pumpkin pie, almost had to buy another!

The first full week of school after fall break is this week.  Therefore, there is a lull when it comes to homework. All the big projects will be coming in November. To stay positive, here are five things I'm excited for this week!

1. First Belly Dance performance this week! This is always a stressful time because I'm in charge of making sure everything is arranged for the performance. It is also the new dancers' first time dancing on a stage in front of others!

2. Ann Pancake who wrote the short story collection, Given Ground, is visiting my college on Wednesday. I'm not particularly fond of her work, but it is always interesting to hear authors speak. They always seem to say the most interesting things. Example: I went to a New York Times Bestselling author reading this summer where the author said "Don't major in Creative Writing. Major in something that can give you a real job..." Let's just say I haven't bought her book yet.

3. Tomorrow we are doing a popcorn lab for Chemistry class. Not really sure how popcorn and Chem will go together, but we'll see. This is what happens when a Chemistry class is called The Chemistry of Music, Movies, and Magic.

4. Eating all the cookies my mom sent me! They are so addicting that I have one at every meal. Nothing beats free cookies!

5. Beginning research on a 20 page paper. AHHHHHH! But I'm doing it on author pseudonyms and already found four sources in five minutes. The Internet is such a glorious thing!

Hope your fall is being filled with many pumpkin lattes and cozy sweaters!

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