Friday, October 18, 2013

So Many Books So Little Time

In college there is so much required reading that it is hard to find time or the desire to read for fun. When I was in High School, I read all the time. I read books more than I watched movies. Now when I have free time all I want to do is sleep or watch TV, something completely mindless. This summer I was finally able to rekindle my love of reading after four years. I made goals for myself so that I made sure I kept reading for fun because it is important to love reading.  Reading opens a dialogue between different people who would normally have nothing in common. Books really can give you an escape, its all about finding the right book.

Here is some advice to help make reading fun again and sift through the books at the bookstore:

      1. Focus on a section of the bookstore.  I had an inkling that a young adult book would be a quick and easy read, so I made sure to only look in that section.  I literally covered the sides of my face with my hands so I wouldn't look at the other gorgeous books that sat there like temptresses.  

     2. Decide if you should try something new. A great way to rekindle love for anything is to try something new. Never read a mystery novel before? Pick one up! The associates at bookstores love to give suggestions and they've never steered me wrong!

     3. Treat yourself! If you don't normally buy books, let yourself buy a book instead of renting from the library. If you love coffee treat yourself to a cup'o coffee to have sit next to your side as you read. Whatever makes you happy will help!

     4. Designate a certain time to read. It's as easy as making sure you read an hour before bed! You don't have to read at the same time everyday.  I decided to try and finish a book every two weeks.  If I stick to that goal I will read at least 24 books this year!  That's pretty good.  Setting goals can keep you on track and eventually you get into a routine without even trying.

    5. Book Clubs! Form a book club or join one! A lot of libraries have book clubs and you can even follow blog book clubs. Either way it makes reading a social activity! Plus it gives you reasons to throw mini parties to celebrate a book! And who doesn't love parties?

I hope some of this helped! I am currently reading The Golem And The Jinni by Helene Wecker and love it so far. What are you reading?


  1. I am reading "Outcast" by Adrienne Kress. It is a young adult novel about a town in the south that is attacked by angels. The angels swoop down once every year to take children.

    1. That sounds cool! How are you liking it so far?
